What Name Do You Want to Use?
Please provide the name of the business/company you wish to register in Texas. Write 3 options, the first one being the first choice for the entity name.
Please select Entity Type
LLC is a simple, low-maintenance entity with limited liability for owners. S Corporation is a tax status allowing pass-through of income to owners for potential tax savings. C Corporation is a separate taxable entity with fewer ownership restrictions.
Contact Information
By submitting your data, you agree to receive communication from our team in the future.
Registered Agent
Submit the data of a registered agent, who is the person who will receive any correspondence related to legal demands.
What business are you trying to form?
Please select a business type to proceed.
Governing Person(s)
Provide the names of the governing individuals in the entity, listing at least one person.
First Governing Person*
Second Governing Person
Third Governing Person
Who will manage the LLC?
Members or Managers.
By sending this form, I agree with to be contacted by THE DOBL CONSULTING GROUP in the near future.